Monday, January 28, 2008

We did not have internet in Innsbruck or Sappada. We got our only day of snowboarding in Innsbruck. There was some fresh snow anf the views were stunning. We reluctantly left Innsbruck, for Sappada.
appada was beautiful but the snow was scarce, and the temps were well above freezing. The first night there there were very strong winds which knock down several trees, and closed the pass for the better art of the day. We were stuck in a very small town with little to do. We did finally get to Cortina, to find out the resorts were closed all day , and it did nt look good for the next day. With the nothing but high temps and sun in the weather forcast, we bailed on snowboarding, and Sappada.
This is why we chose Europe, if we got skinked by the weather, at least we would be in Italy.

So this is how we ended up in Verona, quite possibly my favorite Italian city.

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