Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snowboard Austria and ITaly

Traveling started off awesome. Troy was early to pick Alby and I up. No Line at Genova, no traffic. no check in line, 12 hor flight not so bad. But our flight into Salzburg was delyed.

Troy strated freaking out over his phone not working, and does not know what to do with the extra time.

We finally get to Salzburg, and our snowboards did not make the trip. No one freaked out and we got our people on the problem asap. We rolled on ove to the rental car place and picked up the van. Euro style, might be a little too bit big. Ahh fuck it we are Americans! Get ready.

After many u-turns and some classic 'Troy' driving. we reached our zimmer.
After some much needed sleep, we woke up to new snow, our snowboards, good breakfast and damn good coffee. We also went for a walk around our Zimmer wichi is about 10 km out of the town center, but is surround by farms and zimmers. To our surprize the American school really could of cared less about three Americans stopping in to say hi, but we stopped in to see if we could use their internet. No go.

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